15 October 2008

Let's make this more snazzy, shall we?

A great friend of mine suggested that I add a little more political flare to my blog. Well, we'll just see about that!

Here are a few issues I've recently been most concerned with:
No on Proposition 4
No on Proposition 8

I can be moved to tears when discussing the above two. Watch out!

(According to the flickr caption) Pistahan 2008 at the Yerba Buena Garden in San Francisco

At the Magno Rubio performance last Friday, people were selling shirts with the same message. But, as I usually say, "I gotz no money!"

This is a less publicized issue, although I feel it is extremely critical for the future of adolescent health. Teen pregnancy prevention programs (MIP, TSO, I&P) have been completely cut from the updated California budget. I owe so much of my foundation in public, reproductive, and teen health to TeenSMART Outreach (TSO), and I know there have been hundreds- if not thousands- of youth who have benefited from this program. Must I repeat the adage?! Prevention is the best medicine, people! So, for the next couple of weeks, a lot of my energy will be invested in salvaging these statewide programs.

Stay tuned for more pontification. ^_^


Snowflake said...

I believe the effects of this post are already being seen to help obama in the polls!!

Poid said...

Nice to know you're in tune with these sorts of things, Snowflake.