08 October 2008

In ten minutes...

For the last week and a half, I've had to rush between Haviland Hall and Barrows because Thai has been temporarily moved out of Dwinelle for AV purposes. As I was scurrying over this afternoon, I heard snippets of different conversations. Here are some of them:

Guy: Where can I find SNL's Palin skit?
Gal: Oh, youtube it or go to NBC!

Female 1: Talaga??
Female 2: YUP!

Person with megaphone: Register to vote!... ::meekly:: please.

Dude: Dude, why are you wearing that sweater? It's so hot!
Dudette: Ah, I get cold in class sometimes.

If you ever hear a snippet on gratifying bowel movements, uncontrollable flatulence, or daily fiber intake, it's probably me you're walking beside. ;)

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