25 February 2009

The Boithday

Global Gag Rule repealed.

Okay, 21, show me what you've got!

17 February 2009


Professor O'Hare needed to come up with an innovative way to remember our names and faces. SO he decided to bring a camcorder to class and have us state our names and an interesting factoid about ourselves.

::holds up name card that reads "Kat"::
"Hi, I'm Kathleen Gutierrez and when I go out, my alias is Dance MagiK." ::flips name card to side that reads "Dance MagiK"::

::holds up name card that reads "Derek"::
"Hi, I'm Derek Oye, and I like cheese."

ohhhh Tuesdays

Some semi-random

The weekend was, without a doubt, amazing+ ridiculous+ hilarious+ memorable. (Hm, when is it ever not?) There is never a dull moment when it comes to Team Kickass, trips to San Francisco for X Y and Z (hah), and making and eating glorious food. hahah And the gargantuan pillow fight was spectacular.
Lookie! I don't know what its name was, but I think it was an apple and peach crumble thing with a cream cheese frosting thing.

And it was from here! AHHHHH!
It was my first taste of Chez Panisse. eeep.
The housewarming required edibles. Ergo, coffee cake!
And cookies!
Aaaaand my uneventful lunch beside my more eventful, but empty, iced chai.

10 February 2009

09 February 2009

In need of slowing down

After finding out Battambang was closed (disappointing, indeed), we hit up Cafe 88 in Oakland's Chinatown.
BBQ pork over rice with their specialty red bean drink, which is actually just red beans and sweetened milk. YUM! And the drink was only $1.00. DOUBLE YUM!

I really liked Cafe 88's presentation skills with this meal- a nice close to another off-the-wall-in-your-face-unbelievable weekend.

06 February 2009


This is one of the gajillion bas reliefs on the Bayon in Siem Riep. I found this tree particularly interesting, especially for its design and the fish-like object that's swimming through the branches. As I was looking at it today, I did notice something of even greater interest!
What's that little fella up to in the lower right corner?
It might very well be some other animal, but I'm just going to pretend it's a rat with a walking stick.

Southeast Asia. My calling for sure.

Shake the clouds

My cup.. erm, bowl.. does not runneth over.

Analyze the photo for a moment.
Breakfast bowl. Once filled with oatmeal, perhaps? Next to a... wha?


04 February 2009

Hm. 2

My dad discovered the internet while I was away in Southeast Asia. We kept in touch via e-mail, and I kept every one of his messages because I 1) was proud of his internet usage, 2) touched by his messages (I went 20 years without them!), and 3) amused by some of his quirky language.

He sent me an e-mail this evening and made reference to higher education. There's a lot of back story to it, but this is what he typed:

"I hope it is not going to be a repeat performance,
because it is not what we are, but that which with pride and
arrogance, we want us, hopelessly, to be."

Even if his message didn't deal with the subject matter it was intended to, I would still find it mesmerizing. Mind you, this sentence was alongside a balut recipe and online speak (lolerz).


02 February 2009


If it were only that easy.