My dad brought me to a guerrilla family reunion on my first full day back in Los Angeles. I say guerrilla because it was sprung upon me like no other family gathering.
"Dad, I'm not ready to see anyone!"
"Really now? Laughing?"

I went down to LA principally to support Equal Action (, folks!)
What a successful rally! The police assisted everyone by closing off the streets in Chinatown up to City Hall. =)

When I came back from LA, I took my friend to the Oakland DMV for her driving test. While needing to kill time, she and I stopped by a Jamba Juice, and I had had had to try their oatmeal.
I had my doubts. After all, Starbucks didn't exactly hit the spot.
But Jamba Juice's slow-cooked oatmeal (with steel-cut oats, I might add!) was awesome. I don't care too much for the super sweet fruit topping, but the brown sugar and oatmeal consistency are soo pleasant. [I also got that one pureed thing with granola and fruit... tasty, but I focused on its less assuming companion.]

But Jamba Juice's slow-cooked oatmeal (with steel-cut oats, I might add!) was awesome. I don't care too much for the super sweet fruit topping, but the brown sugar and oatmeal consistency are soo pleasant. [I also got that one pureed thing with granola and fruit... tasty, but I focused on its less assuming companion.]

I can dig.
I ate a bunch of great food in Miami (Brazilian, Mediterranean, Subway [hahah]), but didn't take any photos! Blargh! Pero, comida de Miami = extra yum!
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