07 April 2009

Rain rain rain

I finished a nice order of red bean milk from Tapioca Express. Milk blended with red beans ::drool:: I had it with mini boba, but I would have liked it just fine without the chewy bits.
I hope I don't tire of red beans anytime soon. There are just so many possibilities! (red bean trinket from the fantastic G-Chan)
I'm not the biggest fan of studying in libraries, mostly because I get fidgety and weird or farty and hungry (the combinations are very interchangeable). I also think I have a thing for white noise that can potentially cover up the mumbling I do when I'm writing a paper. ("Furthermore, Villa attempts ::espresso machine:: to explain the ::laughter:: ack, no, Villa attempts to ::Lady Gaga:: #$#@$").

However, the library
is fat with interesting odds and ends and is a necessity for those papers. The main stacks in Berkeley's Doe Library are intimidating foolios that don't kid around. You can crank levers to separate and join the heaaavy stacks, which is fine and dandy... you would think!
How sterile-looking, right?

But when I have to comb through the collections to find something that'll fit into my papers, I fear that in my pursuit, I just might get squished.
The end of Dance MagIK?!
[Yup, got my share of stares for staging the photo :p]

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