01 April 2009

The Kitchen... Runnin' Low!

On my last grocery list, I wrote, "New vegetable to try out." A couple of weeks ago, while Tom and I were waddling through the produce section of Trader Joe's, I decided to pick up a bag of brussel sprouts. I had only had them at restaurants prior, so I decided to cook 'em for myself.

I really think there's something to the power of suggestion when you're growing up as a child and surrounded by ewws and yucks. I don't think brussel sprouts were ubiquitous in my neighborhood, so I don't remember anyone ever being all "Ew! You eat brussel sprouts?! You have sprout kooties!" I just remember being laughed at for bringing tilapia and dried seaweed to school.

Ergo, I never understood TV shows when they portrayed children absolutely mortified of these little fellas. I'm still mortified of ketchup. Can I get a televised amen?!

No? Egh.

I simmered the sprouts in chicken broth and tossed them with grilled onions and bacon. The combinations worked!

For Tom's birthday, I decided to make him some roasted banana brownies.
Army of bananas. Buttered and brown sugared.
The bites! It was a little difficult to get a banana bit in every bite (ho ho, say that three times fast!... hahaha.. ok, no), but they were yummers.

Food is glorious. ^_^

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