This ten-day stretch in Los Angeles has been just what I've needed after this past semester. Spring '09 was filled with its ridiculous hurdles, absolute enjoyments, episodes of achievement, and bouts of distress. Regardless, they're all behind me, waving from the surface of battered driftwood. So Spring '09, as turbulent as you were, I'm pouring this 40 for you,

This polite farewell is yours.
So folks, I'm on my way to Madison, Wisconsin for SEASSI! Convoluted Ponderings will be taking a nine-week vacation. The blog in its stead: Ponderings in America's Dairyland! [hahah.. yeah, I know..] See ya in August! ^_^
So folks, I'm on my way to Madison, Wisconsin for SEASSI! Convoluted Ponderings will be taking a nine-week vacation. The blog in its stead: Ponderings in America's Dairyland! [hahah.. yeah, I know..] See ya in August! ^_^