26 September 2008

When you miss the ones you love, you look at the food you enjoyed with them!

After my stay with my cousins in Manila, my maternal family brought me to Guilbert's, a restaurant about an hour south of Angat. In the foreground is balut and next to it is a skillet filled with sizzling pork sisig. The latter became my favorite dish during my stay and although I had a few reservations about balut (I had never had it before while in the States), it was dee-lish! The preparation was all fancy, too. It was smothered in sauces, peppers, and onions. My dad said I should have eaten it the "real" (hardcore!) way: no sauce, no added flavoring, just me and the duck.


Filipino cuisine amazes me. I'm still in search of a reliable Filipino joint in the East Bay. I've been told there are many. Someone, point me in the right direction!

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