17 February 2009

Some semi-random

The weekend was, without a doubt, amazing+ ridiculous+ hilarious+ memorable. (Hm, when is it ever not?) There is never a dull moment when it comes to Team Kickass, trips to San Francisco for X Y and Z (hah), and making and eating glorious food. hahah And the gargantuan pillow fight was spectacular.
Lookie! I don't know what its name was, but I think it was an apple and peach crumble thing with a cream cheese frosting thing.

And it was from here! AHHHHH!
It was my first taste of Chez Panisse. eeep.
The housewarming required edibles. Ergo, coffee cake!
And cookies!
Aaaaand my uneventful lunch beside my more eventful, but empty, iced chai.

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