In honor of the soft foods I must consume for the next few days...Ciao Bella's cinnamon and banana gelato.
Creations's lychee and strawberry (?) yogurts with the oodles of goodness. For more Creations photos, check out Corrie's blog! [other NorCal fro-yo places cited, as well]
Wisdom teeth = gone. No eating. Camera = Death by Beer. No taking pictures of food. Now must rely on older photos. Bah!
Bakesale Betty's! If you take any of the AC Transit lines that goes down Telegraph, you've probably seen this quaint corner shop. Y'know, the place with the ironing boards for tables? Jes! This is their fried chicken sammich! Strawberry shortcake. I'd probably consider it more like a scone with strawberries and whipped cream. Still yummy. Couple o' delightful cookies
WTH, Michael Savage, I'm so tired from the PP157 paper, I oughtta take out my exhaustion on you! ::proceeds to throw moistened banana peels:: Yeah, you better put them in the compost heap!
"They said rats bred to be highly anxious had very low levels of a brain chemical called fibroblast growth factor 2 or FGF2 compared with rats that were more laid back."
I imagine ratty hammocks and margaritas in the lab...
"Keith Lewis, the co-executive director of the Miss California pageant, said Prejean was attended to by gay beauty experts before the Miss USA contest, and that he always knew her to be friendly to gays like himself. But Lewis said he was disappointed with her stance against same-sex weddings, and that while she keeps her crown as Miss California, she is speaking for herself on gay marriage."
1. Mini chocolate chips- not sure why, but they sure look cute 2. Time article on HDLs- for an obsessive lipid counter like me, learning more about HDLs is the way to go! [does this negate #1?] 3. Not feeling cloudy on a rainy day
I eat red bean things like no other. And I will, without a doubt, be interested in The Story of YOU.
[Kat is for friends; Kathleen is for family; Dance MagIK is for the rest of the world]