"'The world's movement is always forward, darkness turns to light; ignorance to wisdom; it is said that man took his form from the fish and the bird; man, it is said, was a monkey before he became a god.
'What I mean is we should not be impatient, Rome was not constructed in just a day; rice is half-cooked or burned from too much fire under the stove; the same is true with fruits, they are acrid and bitter when made to ripen out of turn.'...
Like a spring with a generous flow of water, Lantay and Dupil are twin streams coming from the mountain, at times flowing apart, sometimes merging; they are forked streams certain to reach the sea together.
As if in answer to Dupil's question, they saw the darkness broken by the light, 'Morning has come...' The two friends returned to their quarters while the guerillas one and all, were still deep in slumber."
-"The Forked Stream" ("Magkasangang Agos") from Free Country (Bayang Malaya) by Amado V. Hernandez (1970)
Of course, I should include at least one photo in this post!

More soon..
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